Nails for men

Do Men Need Nail Care?

Our salon provides men's nail care. Nowadays, it is natural for men to take care of their fingertips. At our salon, the number of male customers who want nail care is increasing. Beautiful fingertips will casually improve your impression. Why don't you transform your fingertips full of hangnail and nails full of vertical lines and streaks into beautiful ones?



Hand - Care (Filing + Cuticle clean) / ケアー (ファイリング + キューティクルクリーン)
¥3,410 (60min)
Hand - Men's gel (Clear) / メンズジェル
¥5,720 (60min)
Foot - Basic Pedicure ( Filing + Cuticle clean + Callus Remore + Massage + 1 color ) / ベーシックペディキュア (ファイリング + キューティクルクリーン + 角質 + クリームマッサージ + カラー1色)
¥6,930 (60min)
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